"For I'm not ashamed of The Gospel, because it's the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." Romans 1:16


AIM Youth Ministries serves teens 6th-12th grade. Our goal for youth is to challenge them to know, apply, and live the word of God boldly. We promote youth to AIM BIG! AIM Youth Ministries will equip youth to be on target for Christ.


An event designed for fun and fellowship of AIM students. It's a night full of basketball, board games, music, jump rope, and video games. 


This event is held in October. AIM students minister through song, dance, and drama to give a message that will change the lives of the young and seasoned.


The biggest back to school bash ever! Every year (in July) Overcoming By Faith prepares it's youth for the start of another school year with a bang! Bring the whole family out for a great time with free food, carnival rides, and drive-in.

School Resource Videos

School Tools