Other sermons in the series

Making Better Money Decisions
What kind of decisions are you making about your life and your...

Making Better Money Decisions, Part 2 (Why Don't I Have More Money?)
Should I want more money? Answer: Matthew 25:14-30 (parable of...

What Did Mama Say?
What did your mama say that you value now?

How to Manage the Tough Days (Try to See Those Days Correctly)
This sermon was almost titled, “Whatever.” Sometimes people go through...

Three Decisions That Can Change Your Life
My decisions and my beliefs carry me to predictable destinations in my...

Facing The Truth About You
Are you honest with yourself?

You Decide and They Pay
Your decisions and my beliefs carry me and those I influence to...

The Life-Changing Decisions of a Father (How One Father Changed Everything)
What did your father do that changed your life?

Deciding to be Strong
Are you strong? How do you know you are strong?

11am Deciding to Have Power Over Your Real Enemy
Who is your real enemy? (Who are you really wrestling with?) Is it your...

9am Deciding to Have Power Over Your Real Enemy
Who is your real enemy? (Who are you really wrestling with?) Is it your...

Deciding to Build a Future
Are you distracted, focused on the wrong thing, and building a future...

The Power of Good Decisions
Are you satisfied with your current location in life? Your decision...

Deciding to Fight
If God is fighting with you, why are you losing? Gideon started with...