Series: Confident and Doing The Work
Doing The Work
September 12, 2021 | Ricky Temple
Passage: James 1:19-27
Big Focus: Living a Consistent Life and Doing the Work
Series Information
Are you a confident person that truly believes in your life’s direction and God’s commitment to bless you (John 10:10)? The challenge we face in this season is a plague of confidence blended with naive optimism. It is important to recognize when you are being naively optimistic. In James, they thought that because they had faith their works did not matter. Are you a confident person that truly believes in your life’s direction and God’s commitment to bless you (John 10:10)? The challenge we face in this season is a plague of confidence blended with naive optimism. It is important to recognize when you are being naively optimistic. In James, they thought that because they had faith their works did not matter.
A confident person faces unexpected challenges and can lose hope, if not careful. Hopelessness over time can produce a toxic, sick-like, feeling that can shift our view of the world (Proverbs 13:12…Hope deferred make the heart sick). Balanced confidence that is rooted in truth and maturity can protect us from falling victim to naive optimism.