Series: Stuck and Distracted in the Same Place
How to Get Unstuck and Focused (Part Four)
September 24, 2023 | Ricky Temple
Passage: Galatians 5:1
Big Question: How do you get unstuck?
Answer: Stand fast and refuse to be entangled again
!• Refuse to be entangled
• Refuse to play the again and again bondage game
• Insist on staying free
• Insist on being salt and light in the world
Series Information

Part 1: How Children Get You Stuck and Distracted-The Tragic Story of Eli’s Passive Family Leadership
Part 2: How Our Nation Got Stuck and Distracted by Confusing Politics
Part 3: How Godly People Get Stuck and Distracted by Issues
Part 4: How to Get Unstuck and Focused