Mary Heard Good News 2023
January 08, 2023
Passage: Matthew 1:18-21
Need to Know: I Have Heard Good News!
Series Information

Kids Infant-3yrs
Passage: Matthew 1:18-21
Need to Know: I Have Heard Good News!
Kids Infant-3yrs
In this brief retelling of the prodigal son story, kids will learn all...
A Short Man Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 Need To Know: I Am Special Like...
Scripture: 1 Samuel 3 Memory Verse: Love the Lord your God with all...
“Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul, all your mind...
Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...
Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1-7 Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with...
Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...
Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...
Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...
Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy...
Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Scripture: Acts 12:1-18 Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are...
Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy...
"Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy 4:5 Need to Know...
Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: "You are God’s chosen and special people.” 1 Peter...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Memory Verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me...
Scripture: 1 Samuel 3 Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Need to Know: Jesus is the Best Christmas Gift Ever!
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “Wise people can listen and learn” Proverbs 1:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
“When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me.” Jeremiah...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Set an example for others by what you say and do” 1...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Scripture: Jeremiah 36 Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Memory Verse: “”Don’t give up when times are hard.” 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...
Need to Know: Do What’s Right!
Need to Know: Do What’s Right!
Need to Know: Be Kind!
Need to Know: Be Kind
Need to Know: Love Others
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalms 150:6
Need to Know:l God Loves Me!
Need to Know: God Can Do Anything!
Need to Know: Jesus Is With Me!
Need to Know: Happy Birthday Jesus!
Need to Know: God Sent His Son to be the Savior of the World!
Need to Know: I Have Heard Good News!
Need to Know: Jesus Is God’s Son!
Need to Know: I Can Worship Jesus!
Need to Know: I Can Grow Like Jesus!
Need to Know: I Can Help Jesus!
I can be in God's family!
Need to Know: Jesus Loves Me!
Need to Know: I Can Listen!
Need to know: I will learn!