"Pastor, I Have A Question"

Series: Too Slow: Understanding the Season

"Pastor, I Have A Question"

July 30, 2023

Join us as we present "Pastor Rick's Q&A with Kids and Teens"! This heartwarming session was filled with genuine and candid questions and answers, as Pastor Rick delved into the minds of our young congregation, discussing topics close to their hearts, faith, and everyday life.

Series Information

  1. Childhood Seasons (The foundational teaching season that everything is built upon)
  2. Teenage Seasons (The preparing for independence or leaving season)
  3. Young Adult Seasons (The I want power in my life season)
  4. Senior Seasons (This can become the waiting to die and no dream season)

Other sermons in the series

July 02, 2023

The Childhood Season

Big Question: When you look back at your life what seasons did you get...

July 09, 2023

The Teenage Season

Big Question: Are you using your age as an excuse to be immature? Side...