Paul Traveled to Rome

Paul Traveled to Rome

May 26, 2024

Passage: Acts

Paul traveled to many places to tell people about Jesus.
Some of the people were glad to hear the good news about Jesus.
Even when people tried to stop Paul, he kept on teaching about
One day Paul and some more men got on a ship and began to
sail to the city of Rome. The ship sailed for many days, then a
strong wind began to blow. The ship was tossed on the waves, and
the men decided to sail in another direction.
But an even stronger wind blew and a storm followed. The sky
was dark and stormy for many days. The men were frightened.
Paul stood up and talked to the worried men. “Take courage. No
one will die. God will save us,” Paul said.
For 14 days the men on the ship did not eat. Paul told them to
eat and trust God to help them.
Finally, the men saw land. The ship crashed into the sand, and
the men hurried to the shore.
People in the town were kind to the frightened men and helped
After resting from the stormy journey, Paul sailed on another
ship to Rome. Paul lived in Rome for two years. While he was
there, Paul talked to church leaders and told them about Jesus.
Paul helped the people know God sent Jesus to love and help