Sermons in: Kids Online Adventure Bears

July 26, 2020

Singing In Jail

"Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy 4:5 Need to Know...

July 12, 2020

Peter Escapes Prison

Scripture: Acts 12:1-18 Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are...

July 05, 2020

Paul Meets Jesus

Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy 4:5 Need...

June 28, 2020

Food for Widows

Memory Verse: "Don't give up when times are hard." 2 Timothy...

June 14, 2020

Paul's Journey

Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...

June 07, 2020

A Poor Widow's Gift

Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...

May 31, 2020

Boy King Josiah

Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...

May 24, 2020

Jars of Oil

Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1-7 Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with...

May 17, 2020

The First Church

Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul...

May 10, 2020

The Good Samaritan

“Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul, all your mind...
