Boundaries Book Reviews

Are you in control of your life? Often people focus so much on being loved that they forget their limits. In New York Times bestselling book, Boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend unpack the ten laws of boundaries, showing you how to bring health and happiness into your relationships. This updated and expanded edition offers a new chapter that specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

Confident and Doing The Work

Are you a confident person that truly believes in your life’s direction and God’s commitment to bless you (John 10:10)? The challenge we face in this season is a plague of confidence blended with naive optimism. It is important to recognize when you are being naively optimistic.  In James, they thought that because they had faith their works did not matter. Are you a confident person that truly believes in your life’s direction and God’s commitment to bless you (John 10:10)? The challenge we face in this season is a plague of confidence blended with naive optimism. It is important to recognize when you are being naively optimistic.  In James, they thought that because they had faith their works did not matter.

A confident person faces unexpected challenges and can lose hope, if not careful. Hopelessness over time can produce a toxic, sick-like, feeling that can shift our view of the world (Proverbs 13:12…Hope deferred make the heart sick). Balanced confidence that is rooted in truth and maturity can protect us from falling victim to naive optimism.

Understanding The God We Love

Four Goals In This Series Four Goals In This Series 

1. We will look at how God thinks (Isa.55:8-9)

2. We will look at how to rightly divide what scripture says about God

3. We will look at Understanding Why God Made Fathers (Father’s Day)

4. We will look at common assumptions people get wrong about God 

Tell The Truth

Question: Does your family have trouble with the truth?

Statement: There is a natural assumption that truthful families raise truthful children.

Manage Your Expectations

Big Question: Are you where you planned to be in life?

Side Question: Why are you not where you thought you would be? 

My Personal Answer: I am beyond where I thought I would be in some ways and behind in others. 

The New Wine of Prosperity

 Living in this new world, good home training always includes a mature attitude towards your financial resources. Let us explore three areas of our finances that may need our attention.