Sermon Archives

Be Committed
  1. Committed to God and Myself (Matthew 22:37-40)
  2. Committed to Avoiding “The Trap” (Name the one thing that can trap you)
  3. Committed to Protecting My Relationships (What must you do to save your relationships?)
  4. Committed to Being Fruitful (You must be clear what hinders and brings fruitfulness)
Warning Lights
  1. Warnings Lights 1 (Temperament, Romance, Divorce and Lying)
  2. Warning Lights 2 (Retaliation, Grudges, and Not Serving, Praying, or Fasting)
  3. Warning Lights for Dads (A Mature Dad’s Created Purpose)
  4. Warning Lights 3 (What Maturity and Immaturity look like)
Big Thinking for Big Results
  1. Developing a Plan
  2. Developing a Team (Some people have one player teams)
  3. Developing Self-confidence
  4. Developing a Deadline
