Starting Over

What Is Next for Us?

Seasons of Division

Be Committed
- Committed to God and Myself (Matthew 22:37-40)
- Committed to Avoiding “The Trap” (Name the one thing that can trap you)
- Committed to Protecting My Relationships (What must you do to save your relationships?)
- Committed to Being Fruitful (You must be clear what hinders and brings fruitfulness)

Your Work Matters

Managing Disagreement

Go Faster

OBF's Full Services

Thinking In The Right Direction

Warning Lights
- Warnings Lights 1 (Temperament, Romance, Divorce and Lying)
- Warning Lights 2 (Retaliation, Grudges, and Not Serving, Praying, or Fasting)
- Warning Lights for Dads (A Mature Dad’s Created Purpose)
- Warning Lights 3 (What Maturity and Immaturity look like)

Big Thinking for Big Results
- Developing a Plan
- Developing a Team (Some people have one player teams)
- Developing Self-confidence
- Developing a Deadline