The Warning Lights Part 1

Series: Warning Lights

The Warning Lights Part 1

June 02, 2024 | Ricky Temple

Passage: Matthew 5:14-16

What are the warning lights in your life that you have ignored? Pastor Rick discusses various warning lights in life, including temperament, romance, divorce, and lying, as indicators of deeper issues that should not be ignored. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing these signs to maintain personal integrity and relationships, using biblical references from Matthew and Luke to illustrate his points. Pastor Rick also highlights that mature individuals understand their impact, visibility, and uniqueness, and he stresses the need for reconciliation and ethical behavior.

Series Information

  1. Warnings Lights 1 (Temperament, Romance, Divorce and Lying)
  2. Warning Lights 2 (Retaliation, Grudges, and Not Serving, Praying, or Fasting)
  3. Warning Lights for Dads (A Mature Dad’s Created Purpose)
  4. Warning Lights 3 (What Maturity and Immaturity look like)

Other sermons in the series