The Warning Lights That Can Protect Your Future

Series: Warning Lights

The Warning Lights That Can Protect Your Future

June 23, 2024 | Ricky Temple

Passage: Matthew 7:1-29

In today’s study, we continue with Matthew’s summary of three important Warning Lights. We will examine what people go after, what they do, and who they listen to. We will see that some people are not genuine, and some are not wise builders.

Series Information

  1. Warnings Lights 1 (Temperament, Romance, Divorce and Lying)
  2. Warning Lights 2 (Retaliation, Grudges, and Not Serving, Praying, or Fasting)
  3. Warning Lights for Dads (A Mature Dad’s Created Purpose)
  4. Warning Lights 3 (What Maturity and Immaturity look like)

Other sermons in the series