Warning Lights For Dads

Series: Warning Lights

Warning Lights For Dads

June 16, 2024 | Ricky Temple

Passage: Genesis 1:27-31

I believe that God created all of us. Some of us came through circumstances not aligned with God’s best plan. But we are here, and now we must embrace our creation and build a future with the pieces we have. I plan to talk about man’s creation and end with God’s gift of creation to me.

Series Information

  1. Warnings Lights 1 (Temperament, Romance, Divorce and Lying)
  2. Warning Lights 2 (Retaliation, Grudges, and Not Serving, Praying, or Fasting)
  3. Warning Lights for Dads (A Mature Dad’s Created Purpose)
  4. Warning Lights 3 (What Maturity and Immaturity look like)

Other sermons in the series